Paris Aerials
Some new shots from my trip to Paris. On my last day there I visited the Eiffel Tower very early in the morning. It was a very foggy february day, so no great view from the tower. But a very interesting and special possibility to make some photos, that are not looking like tourist shots. I could spend hours viewing Paris from above. You can find so many details everywhere. I hope I can share this feeling with this 6 photos.
If you want to visit the Eiffel Tour its a good idea to buy your ticket online previously, so you can avoid long waiting times.
Some Making-Of Shots:
Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus in Berlin
This is an older shot from 2009. I visited Berlin in August 2009 for 5 days to shoot some architecture. I published already two photos (1, 2) from the Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, but I stumbled about this one in my archives and wanted to process it. Its a more clean and straight photo of the building, and I suits more to my actual vision of architecture photography. I hope I will do some shots of this building in the future ... I read about an expansion, that is currently being built and will be finished in 2014.
La Defense – World of Lights
To make this photo was the main reason for my trip to Paris. About one year ago I saw this unbelievable photo from Thomas Birke. It just made "Click" and I knew: I have to make a photo from this spot. I also found some other photos from there and I watched them again and again, because I wanted to do a better shot. I don't know if it worked, but I am satisfied with the result. I started to make photos around 6 p.m. and I had to wait about one hour until the perfect moment in the blue hour around 7 p.m.
This photo shows everything, whats so fascinating about La Defense. Lights, fantastic architecture and different levels. The traffic level is under the ground and you only see this level from some spots. This spot is may be the most interesting. This place shows also the transition from the business district La Defense to the suburb Nanterre on the left side in the background. The contrast between architecture style and also color temperature is very interesting.
Some technical details:
Canon 5D Mark II – Canon EF 17-40 f/4 L USM
ISO 100 - f/11 - 25 sec.
To get such a wide angle of view I made six 17mm portrait shots and stitched them together.
To get to this point is very easy, its only a few minutes away from La Defense Metro and RER Station.
On the following photo you can see the stairs where I made the photo. GPS coordinates: Latitude 48.89078760061403 Longitude 2.234686464071274
Größere Kartenansicht
Apple Store at Louvre in Paris
I wrote about my trip to Paris last week, and now the first photos are online. I finished the series from the Paris Apple Store, located at the louvre. In the louvre there is a shopping mall, called carrousel du louvre, where you can find the store (free wifi there!). Making some clean photos from this place is not easy, because there are a lot of people walking around. The carrousel opens at 8.30 a.m. and thats the only chance to make photos like you see below I think. Five minutes later and everything is crowded.
You can see the whole series also here
pfnphoto now on
A phototrip to Paris
Last week I visited Paris to do some architecture shots. I took the ICE from Nuremburg to Frankfurt, and from Frankfurt to Paris. Above you see some iPhone Shots from the trip. In Paris I had a hotel near l'Arc de Triomphe, from where I could reach my favorite area very fast: La Defense. This futuristic and very big area is full of interesting contemporary architecture. For me it was like a paradise. Two days I only did shots there. Especially at night you can do fantastic shots. Below you see some iPhone photos from the motives I shot there. The postprocessing will take some time, I will show the final results here.
The third day I used to visit the touristic highlights like the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre. In the Louvre, at carrousel du louvre, is located the paris apple store. I wanted to do some shots, but there were too much people hanging around. At dawn I visited the tour montparnasse, but the highest viewing plattform was closed, so I only could do some High-Iso shots without tripod through the window of the lower plattform. At my last day i returned to the Apple Store at 8.30 in the morning before my departure to do some photos when its empty. I will also show the photos here, when the postprocessing is finished.
New website online
After three days of work, the all new is online. I wanted to do some changes long time ago, but never did it, since my website started in January 2008. Now three years after the launch, it was time to do it. The old version worked with Pixelpost, a very good and small CMS for photoblogs, but also very limited. So now WordPress 3.1 works in the background with my own theme.
Now I have the possibility to publish series, not only single photos. Thats very important for me. For the beginning, 12 architecture series are online. Some landscape series will follow. Also as you can see here, I have now a blog for written impressions, and I will share some more thoughts in the future. I will try to write them in english, but I cannot promise it. I already put online some articles.
Some technical details:
Its not everything perfect, some work to do, for example optimizing for mobile plattforms. On iPad and iPhone it already works good I think. I tried to make the design responsive, what you see depends on your resolution and your browser. With resolutions above 1228px you get the full joy with a image width of 1128px. This should work for 90% of my visitors, according to the statistics for the last months.
For visitors with a lower resolution around 1024px, or people with iPad or iPhone 4, the image and blog width is 898 px. For devices with a resolution below 800px there is a special, but also limited version. May be this works on some smartphones and the iPhone 3 but I could not test it. You should use a modern browser like Safari, Chrome or Firefox to get all features. With Internet Explorer you only get the 898px width.
Ausstellung im neuen Museum Nürnberg
Ausstellung "1xMuseum, 10xRooms, 11xWorks, Jeppe Hein" im Neuen Museum Nürnberg (lief bis 06.Februar 2011)
Puma Headquarter
Eine neue Serie ist online. Anfang Februar habe ich das nahegelegene Puma Gelände in Herzogenaurach besucht, wo seit Ende 2009 das neue "Headquarter" steht. Ein sehr spannendes Gebäude und zum Glück reichlich Sonne, auch wenn auf Grund der sehr niedrig stehenden Wintersonne ein paar unschöne Schatten enstanden sind.
Einen Tag später habe ich nochmal Abends zu blauen Stunde vorbeigeschaut und einige Impressionen eingefangen.
Die gesamte Serie gibt es hier zu sehen.
Feature im DOCMA Magazin
Mit Überraschung und Freude nahm ich letzte Woche den Hinweis eines Kommilitonen zur Kenntnis, dass in der gerade erschienenen Ausgabe des DOCMA-Magazins ein Hinweis auf meinen Fotoblog enthalten ist. Mein Blog ist unter dem Titel “die besten Kreativseiten für Bildbearbeiter und Fotografen” gelistet.
Interaktives 360-Grad Panorama
Ein interaktives Panorama vom Maintower in Frankfurt gibt es unter diesem Link.
Porsche Museum
Im März habe ich das sehr imposante Porsche Museum in Stuttgart besucht. Im Dezember hatte ich jetzt im Rahmen einer Studienexkursion erneut die Gelegenheit. Im Gegensatz zum letzten Mal ging ich dieses Mal mit einem anderen fotografischen Ansatz heran und habe mich mehr auf Details statt auf das große Ganze konzentriert. Das Ergebnis seht ihr nun hier:
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Eine kleine Serie mit Details aus dem Kunstmuseum in Stuttgart: