Schlagwort-Archive: phototrip

Norvegia – a mystic journey

Monday, 15th of July, 4 am. My mobile phone rings, I am opening my eyes, looking out of the window. I see water, some mountains covered by fog. I jump out of the bed, grab my camera. I am on … Weiterlesen

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4 Days & Nights in Dubai

Some month ago I wrote about my dream Dubai. Last week the dream came true. Some impressions I filmed parallel to my photographic work: More background information and of course many pictures will follow in the next weeks and month.

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A phototrip to Paris

Last week I visited Paris to do some architecture shots. I took the ICE from Nuremburg to Frankfurt, and from Frankfurt to Paris. Above you see some iPhone Shots from the trip. In Paris I had a hotel near l’Arc … Weiterlesen

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