Dreaming of Dubai – The Book
The last half year I worked on my bachelor thesis: a book about Dubai, called "Dreaming of Dubai – Zwischen Wahn und Wirklichkeit"
The project is nearly finished now and will be presented at my university from 20th to 24th of July.
20th of July, 7 pm,
Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule
Fakultät Design
Wassertorstraße 10
90489 Nürnberg
I will also publish a small, limited an signed edition of the book. If you are interested in a copy, contact me at info@pfnphoto.com
The Facts:
Size: 33x28 cm, 200 pages, 70 images.
The first part of the book is magazine-like infotainment part with texts, graphics and photos.
The second part is a photo-only area.
I am currently working on a website with more details, it will go live in about 10 days.
Kategorie: Foto | Stichwörter: bachelor thesis, designabsolventen, dubai, nürnberg, ohm hochschule, photobook.