If you want to get a very great view on Paris you should visit the
Tour Montparnasse. From the highest top plattform, a terrace, you can see whole paris, including the Eiffel Tower. I went there to do some dusk- and nightshots. But unfortunately the top plattform is recently closed. So I could only get to a lower panorama plattform, where you can look through windows on paris (You can see a picture below). I could not use my tripod and had to to some handheld shots with very high ISO. You can see the noise in the picture, thats the result with ISO 1600 on the Canon 5D MKII. It was a very cloudy day, so no great view, like in
this great panorama on wikipedia.
So if you search a place in paris to take a great panorama, or take pictures from the eiffel tower at night, this is the right place – with open terrace and better weather. To catch the fast moving spotlight on the top of the eiffel-tower I made 4 shots, and combined them in photoshop.